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Spine Surgery

Your doctor will recommend this surgery when there is a structural problem in the vertebrae. The aim of spine surgery is to help in the treatment of chronic and extreme pain caused by friction due to the bone/vertebrae movement. Spine surgery also helps in the reduction of wear and tear of ligaments, muscles, and nerves.

Spinal Fusion Surgery

This surgery is commonly known as the welding process. It helps to correct the small bones in your spine through surgery. This is a corrective surgery which is advised for people who suffer a lot from chronic pain due to any type of movement as well as to restore the stability of the spine.


This surgery is done to relieve the chronic pain which is caused due to damage of a herniated disc of the spine. Additionally, this procedure is used to relieve the irritation of nerves, chronic back pain and chronic neck pain. It also reduces the pain that radiates in the arms or legs.


This is a major surgical procedure of spine, in which the lamina bone of vertebrae is removed. It helps to target the removal of all or any residual scar tissue which might lead to post- laminectomy syndrome.
Laminectomy is considered to be the last option of treatment when other alternative treatments have not shown any results.

Spine Curvature

This corrective treatment repairs any abnormalities of spinal cord. This surgery helps to treat the spinal exaggeration as well as misalignment problems. The treatment for preparing spine curvature ranges from corrective surgeries to non-surgical methods such as exercises, back brace and medicines.

Spinal Infection

Spinal infections are bacterial or fungal in nature. Vertebral osteomyelitis is a common spinal infection. There are quite a few reasons why someone can develop spinal infection including cancer, organ transplant, malnutrition and so on. The kind of treatment of spinal infection depends on the extent and type of infection.

Degenerative Spine Condition

Degenerative spine condition does not have any particular cause. It can occur due to infections, arthritis, tumors etc. The structure and function of the spine of a person becomes abnormal due to repeated strains and sprains as well as over use. This constant wear and tear causes spinal disc to degenerate.

Spinal Stenosis

If you have been diagnosed with spinal stenosis, then it means that the spaces in your spine have narrowed down. This causes a lot of pressure as well as pain to your nerves and spinal bone. Usually the most common regions where it occurs are the lower back and neck.
Spinal Stenosis
Spinal decompression surgery for pinched nerve

Spinal decompression surgery for pinched nerve

This is a minimally invasive surgery that helps to reduce pain and relieve the pressure caused due to a disc or bone. The surgeon will take out a small part of your lamina bone which causes an obstruction to the movement of nerve root. This helps the nerve to get the space it needs and reduces the discomfort caused due to pinched nerve.