+91-8858923769 / +91-7704842797 wellcuretrip@avconexpo.com


Radio Therapy

Radiotherapy or Radiation therapy helps in destroying and stopping the spread of cancerous tumors or cancer cells. It is a palliative and curative treatment and the type of radiotherapy is determined by the doctor depending on the size, location and stage of cancer.


Chemotherapy is another treatment for cancer to help the disease to slow down. it destroys the growth of Cancer cells for stuff. While other cancer therapies like Radiation therapy and surgery focuses on only one particular part of body, Chemotherapy helps in the prevention and spread of cancer in different parts of the body. It is one of the most recommended types of cancer treatment advised when there is the risk of cancer spreading all over the body.

Autologous & Allogeneic Transplant

This is an innovative stem cell transplant which is used to replace diseased or ineffective stem cells with new cells. This is known to be a lifesaving technique for those patients who suffer from some serious blood disorders or from blood cancer.

In an allogeneic transplant, the healthy stem cells are taken or extracted from the donor after various tests are conducted to make sure that there is a match. The donor can be a family member or even an unknown person.

In an autologous transplant, healthy stem cells are taken from the patient before they undergo any type of treatment. The stem cells are frozen using liquid nitrogen and then are injected back into the body of the patient post treatment.

Autologous & allogeneic transplant