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Organ Transplant

Kidney Transplant

In kidney transplant the surgeon replaces one or both kidneys which no longer function properly. The donor can be alive or deceased. After kidney transplant the patient will get a better chance to live a normal healthy life due to the healthy kidney which is placed inside the body. It is also the last resort for those patients who suffer from one or both kidney failure.

Liver Transplant

Liver transplant is recommended for those patients who suffer from acute or chronic liver failure. There are two types of liver transplant – partial or whole. Doctors recommend liver transplant after assessing the condition of the patient.

Cornea Transplant

Cornea transplant is required if there is damaged cornea. With the help of surgery a part, or entire cornea is removed. the doctor will use healthy donor tissue as replacement. The cornea transplantation is recommended when there is severe infection or damage of the cornea. It is also recommended to reduce chronic pain as well as to improve vision or eyesight.
Cornea Transplant
Bone Marrow Transplant

Bone Marrow Transplant

Bone marrow transplant is required when the bone marrow is destroyed or damaged due to infection chemotherapy or some bone diseases. the for Assam is a surgery which transplants blood stem cells required by the bone marrow for the production of new blood cells and promotion of new bone marrow.
The doctor decides the type of bone marrow transplant depending on the extent of damage. The donor can be anyone who is a perfect match or a family member. Required bone marrow can also be extracted from the patient’s body before he or she undergoes any treatment and stored until the time it is needed.

Heart Transplant

Heart transparent is usually recommended for those patients who have been diagnosed with severe coronary artery disease or for those who have a high risk for heart failure. This is a delicate and complicated procedure that is performed by experienced and highly qualified heart surgeons in India. The damaged heart is replaced with a healthy one.