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Weight Loss Surgery

It is very difficult to lose weight for some people and Weight Loss surgery is a good option for them to deal with their weight gain and obesity issues. Those who have opted for weight loss surgery have seen significant changes, especially when they made changes to their lifestyle and diet. The surgeon also provides all the information you will need to maintain your weight for surgery.

Gastric Bypass

Gastric bypass is a very effective weight loss procedure. It is a surgical procedure and helps in weight reduction as well as digestion of food. The primary aim of gastric bypass is to ensure that you eat small food portions at regular time intervals. As the size of the stomach is reduced, it is easier to maintain overall weight.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

In this surgery the size of your stomach is reduced drastically. This is done for patients who have not been able to lose weight by the regular methods. You will be given a special diet which ensures that your body gets all necessary nutrition without overeating. Additionally it ensures that there is permanent weight loss and it is beneficial for your overall health.
Gastric Sleeve Surgery
Lap Band

Lap Band

LAGB or Laparoscopic adjustable gastric band or Lap Band procedure helps in reducing weight by decreasing food intake. This is a surgical procedure in which a band is placed around the upper part of the stomach. Those people who have BMI or a body mass index of 40 and more are ideal for lap band surgery. This surgery also helps for the treatment of conditions such as sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, diabetes, GERD, hypertension and so on.